

  1. 区域主编,KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (2023-至今)
  2. 青年编委,电子学报英文版 (2024-至今) 
  3. 青年编委,物联网学报 (2024-2026) 
  4. 青年编委,武汉大学(理学版) (2022-2025) 优秀青年编委2023
  5. 副主编,IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (2024-至今)
  6. 副主编,KeAi Publishing Green Technologies and Sustainability (2022-至今)
  7. 副主编,Springer Nature Scientific Reports (2021-至今)
  8. 副主编,Frontiers in Communications and Networks (2020-2024)
  9. 副主编,Springer Nature EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking (2019-2024)
  10. 副主编,KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (2018-2023)
  11. 副主编,IEEE Access (2017-2020)
  12. 客座主编,物联网学报, Special Issue on “卫星物联网” (2024-2025)
  13. 客座主编,武汉大学理学版, Special Issue on “新型物联网安全” (2022-2023)
  14. 客座主编,Springer Nature Discover Internet of Things, Special Issue on “Green Communication and Computing for IoT” (2023)
  15. 客座主编,Springer Nature Scientific Reports, Special Issue on “Advanced Transport Systems” (2023)
  16. 客座主编,Elsevier Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Special Issue on “Challenges and Advances in Decarbonising Transportation” (2022)
  17. 客座主编,Elsevier eTransporation, Special Issue on “Control, Optimization, and Management of Electric Mobility Systems Harnessing the Internet of Vehicles” (2021)
  18. 客座主编,MDPI Electronics, Special Issue on “IoT Based Intelligent and Green Communications: Modelling, Practice and  Applications” (2020)
  19. 客座主编,Elsevier Computers and Electrical Engineering, Special Issue on “Sustainable Security Solutions for Internet of Vehicles” (2020)
  20. 客座主编,MDPI Sensors, Special Issue on “Intelligent Sensors for Positioning, Tracking, Monitoring, Navigation and Smart Sensing” (2020)
  21. 客座主编,IEEE Access, Special Issue on “Artificial Intelligence for Physical-Layer Wireless Communications” (2018)
  22. 客座主编,IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Special Issue on “Towards Securing Internet of Connected Vehicles  from Virtual Vehicle Hijacking” (2018)
  23. 客座主编,IET Intelligent Transport Systems, special issue on “Recent Advance on Vehicle to Everything (V2X): Emerging Applications and Technologies” (2018)
  24. 客座主编,IEEE Access, Special Issue on “Towards Service Centric Internet of Things (IoT): From Modelling to Practice” (2018)
  25. 客座主编,IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Special Issue on “Towards Positioning, Navigation, and Location Based Services (PNLBS) for Internet of Things” (2017-2018)
  26. 客座主编,IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), Special Issue on “Recent Advances in Heterogeneous Cellular Networks” (2014)
  27. 客座主编,International Journal of Distributed Systems and Technologies (IJDST), Special Issue on “Enabling Data Driven Methods and Technologies for Future Computer Networks” (2015)


  1. 2024,IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) - Spring, Track Co-Chair
  2. 2024,IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Communications (IUCC) - Workshop on Advanced Techmology for Space-Air-Groumd lntegrated lnformation Networks (SAGIINAT), Workshop Co-Chair
  3. 2024,IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) - Spring, Session Chair
  4. 2024The 24th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals-Emerging Innovations and Technologies for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles, Area Editor
  5. 2023,IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC) - Trends and Challenges on Future 6G Release, Workshop Chair
  6. 2023-2024, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) - Intelligent Non-Terrestrial Networks (NTN) in Future 6G, Workshop Chair
  7. 2022,IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (IEEE TrustCom) - AI-driven Network, Workshop Chair IEEE Outstanding Service Awarded 2022
  8. 2022,IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC) - Trends and Challenges on 5G-A & 6G Standards, Workshop Chair
  9. 2021, IEEE International Conference on Control Automation and Information Sciences(ICCAIS), Session Chair
  10. 2021,IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (IEEE TrustCom) - AI-driven Network, Workshop Chair IEEE Outstanding Service Awarded 2021
  11. 2021,IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC) - 5G and Beyond Standards Moving Vertical Ahead (5G BSMVA), Workshop Chair
  12. 2020,网络安全一流学院建设高峰论坛 - 车联网安全专题 研讨会主席 2020
  13. 2019,IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Communications (IUCC) - Machine Learning assisted Smart System (MLSS) 研讨会主席 IEEE Outstanding Service Awarded 2019
  14. 2019,General Chair of Bid Data Workshop, in conjunction with Springer International Conference on Signal and Information Processing, Networking and Computers
  15. 2019,Track Co-chair of Crowdsourcing and Social Media for disaster Management, for International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Disaster Management 
  16. 2019,TPC Co-chair for IEEE International Workshop on Security and Privacy for Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems (IoT/CPS-Security), in conjunction with IEEE World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT) 
  17. 2018,IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC)  分会场主席
  18. 2016,IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC) 研讨会大会主席


  1. 2024,东西湖职业技术学院“网络安全进校园”宣传教育活动 科普报告:网络安全在身边,网络真的安全吗?
  2. 2024,国家网络安全学院“2024网络安全百校行”科普教育讲座 科普报告:网络安全防护:诈骗识别与自我保护
  3. 2024,湖北网络安全宣传周 科普报告:网络安全防护:诈骗识别与自我保护
  4. 2024,暑期登峰计划大学实验室开放活动(武汉大学)科普报告:网络安全在身边,网络真的安全吗?
  5. 2024,全国青少年高校科学营(武汉大学)科普报告:网络安全概述及其发展趋势
  6. 2024,IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) - Spring: VTS YP/Student Event: Transportation Electrification and Cyber Security
  7. 2024,武汉图书馆,名家论坛:刷脸有风险,如何保护我们的个人信息安全?
  8. 2023,仙桃中学、仙桃一中,科普课程:网络安全在身边,网络真的安全吗?
  9. 2023,东湖论坛·智能网联汽车科技创新与科学普及论坛,科普报告:多模态智能网联电动汽车服务决策优化研究与展望
  10. 2023,中国教育发展基金会&大众汽车集团(中国),【青年创想+】公益课程:以人为本,创想数字化未来出行
  11. 2022,中国教育发展基金会&大众汽车集团(中国),【青年创想+】公益课程:智能交通系统赋能“互联通畅”出行


  1. 2024,CCF中国智能汽车学术年会,特邀报告:基于过滤模型与BERT融合的车载网络入侵检测技术研究
  2. 2024,CCF中国智能汽车学术年会,特邀报告:基于虚假数据注入攻击检测的换电泊车一体化服务决策研究
  3. 2023,IEEE World Forum on Internet of Things - Workshop on Workshop on Advancements in Metaverse and IoT,Keynote报告:Towards Cyber Secure Connected Vehicles and Enabling Services
  4. 2023,SAE汽车智能与网联技术国际学术会议,特邀报告:基于数据多维融合的车联网与基础设施网络协同路由协议研究
  5. 2023,武汉网络安全公益行-“智能汽车网络安全”大讲堂特邀报告:低碳交通安全防护体系现状、挑战及展望
  6. 2023,ICVS中国自动驾驶博览会特邀报告:低碳交通安全防护体系现状、挑战及展望
  7. 2023,金砖国家-青年科学家会议特邀报告:Towards Cyber Secure Space-Air-Ground Integration for Low-carbon Transportation System
  8. 2023,第三届焉知智能电动车年会,特邀报告:面向“双智”愿景的智能网联汽车与基础设施网络安全防护体系研究
  9. 2023,智能网联汽车产品检测与认证技术国际论坛,特邀报告:面向“双智”愿景的智能网联汽车与基础设施网络安全防护体系研究
  10. 2023,中国汽车技术青年学者国际论坛, 特邀报告:基于数据多维融合的车联网与基础设施网络协同路由协议研究
  11. 2023,长三角人工智能大会,特邀报告:多模态智能网联电动汽车服务决策优化研究与展望
  12. 2023,网络安全产业融合创新发展峰会,特邀报告:面向“双智”愿景的智能网联汽车与基础设施网络信任体系研究
  13. 2023,上海合作组织-青年科学家会议,特邀报告:Spatial-temporal Domain Charging Optimization & Charging Scenario Iteration for EV
  14. 2023,中国工业信息安全大会-车联网安全防护技术论坛,特邀报告:基于信任体系的车网融合信息安全互联系统
  15. 2022,UN75+2 at NTU, Living  Together in the Future Virtual Conference,特邀报告:Spatial-temporal Domain Charging Optimization & Charging Scenario Iteration for EV
  16. 2022,SAE汽车智能与网联技术国际学术会议,特邀报告:基于信任体系的车网融合信息安全互联系统
  17. 2021,CCF青年精英大会特邀报告:智能网联新能源汽车信息化服务与安全防护研究
  18. 2020, CCF计算机体系结构学术年会,特邀报告:Digitally Enhanced Mobility: Green and Intelligence
  19. 2019,Cardiff University Future Transport研讨会,特邀报告:Towards Sustainable E-Mobility: Vision and Challenges
  20. 2018,IEEE New Zealand Wireless研讨会,特邀报告:Enabling 5G Opportunistic Service Relay and Autonomous Valet Parking for Urbanisation
  21. 2018,H2020 EPIC & IEEE VTS New Zealand North Chapter联合资助,特邀报告:When Geo-centric Information System Meets ICT and Transport
  22. 2018,H2020 EPIC & IEEE VTS New Zealand North Chapter联合资助,特邀报告:Towards Sustainable E-Mobility: Vision and Challenges
  23. 2018,英国文化教育署-牛顿基金双边研讨会(英国-土耳其)“Vertical IoT Solutions and Its Applications in Smart Agriculture and Disaster Management”,特邀报告:CAP: A ContAct based Proximity Service via Opportunistic Device-to-Device Relay
  24. 2018,EU H2020 TESTBED Workshop on Smart Grid & Smart Energy, at Durham University, UK, 2018,特邀报告:Unlock the Impact of ICT on Sustainable E-Mobility
  25. 2018,Telecommunications Research Laboratory of Toshiba Research Europe, Bristol, UK, 2018,特邀报告:Unlock the Impact of ICT on Sustainable E-Mobility
  26. 2017,英国文化教育署-牛顿基金双边研讨会(英国-越南)“Disaster Management: An Information & Communications Technology Approach with 5G-and-Beyond Communications & Networks”,特邀报告:Exploiting Directional Movement in Strategic Packet Forwarding for Wildlife Tracking
  27. 2017,英国文化教育署-牛顿基金双边研讨会(英国-中国)“Employing Information and Communications Technologies in Homes and Cities for the Health and Well-Being of Older People”,特邀报告:Enabling 5G Opportunistic Service Relay and Autonomous Valet Parking for Older People
  28. 2017,英国文化教育署-牛顿基金双边研讨会(英国-中国)“Transforming Service Design and Big data Technologies into Sustainable Urbanisation”,特邀报告:Towards Sustainable E-Mobility in Smart City
  29. 2016,IEEE International Energy Conference Tutorial:Information-Centric Communication Infrastructure for Real-time State Estimation of Distribution Networks using PMUs


  1. IEEE Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (UIC) (2024)
  2. IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) (2022, 2024)

  3. IEEE Global Communications Conference (Globecom) (2017 - 2018, 2021 - 2022)

  4. IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) (2019 - 2020, 2022 - 2023, 2025)

  5. IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS) (2018,2023)

  6. IEEE International Conference on IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (IEEE TrustCom) (2022 - 2024)

  7. IEEE International Conference on Mobility, Sensing and Networking (MSN) (2023)

  8. IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC) (2018 - 2020)

  9. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) - Fall (2018, 2019 - 2020, 2022)

  10. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) - Spring (2016, 2018, 2020)

  11. IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC) (2022-2024)

  12. International Telecommunication Networks and Application Conference (ITNAC) (2018 - 2022)

  13. IEEE International Symposium on Parallel & Distributed Processing with Applications (ISPA) (2017 - 2018,2023)

  14. International Conference on Big Data Computing and Communications (BIGCOM) (2021 - 2022)

  15. IEEE International Joint Cloud Computing Workshop (JCC) (2019)

  16. IEEE International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT) (2019 - 2020)

  17. IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN) (2019)

  18. IEEE International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2) - 5G-SP Workshop (2018)

  19. International Conference on Internet of Vehicles (IoV) (2018)

  20. IEEE International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies (ISCIT) - Workshop on Big Data (2018)

  21. IEEE Annual International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2 2018) Workshop on Blockchain Enabled Sustainable Smart Cities (BLESS) (2018)

  22. ACM MobiCom Workshop on Future Industrial Communication Networks (FICN) (2018)

  23. IEEE Region 10 Symposium (2018)

  24. IEEE International Conference on Communication, Networks and Satellite (COMNETSAT) (2018)

  25. IEEE Cyber Science and Technology Congress (CyberSciTech) (2018)

  26. IEEE International Symposium on Service-Oriented System Engineering (SOSE) (2016 - 2019)

  27. International Conference on Computer Applications &Information Security (ICCAIS) (2018)

  28. IEEE ICC 2018 Workshop - ICT4SG (2018)

  29. IEEE 5G World Forum (2018 - 2021)

  30. International Conference on Computer Intelligent Systems & Networking (ICCISN) (2018)

  31. IEEE International Workshop on Data Intensive Computing and Communications for Sustainable Development (DICC4SD) 2017

  32. International Conference on Applications of Computing and Communication Technologies (ICACCT) 2017

  33. IEEE International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies (ISCIT) (2016 - 2018)

  34. IEEE Industrial and Electronics Applications Conference (IEACon) (2016 - 2017)

  35. International Conference on Future Network Systems and Security (FNSS) (2016 - 2017)

  36. International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Informatics (EECSI) 2017

  37. IEEE International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC) 2017

  38. IEEE International Workshop on Connecting All Things for Enabling Smart Cities (CONTEST) 2017

  39. International Conference on Composite Materials & Renewable Energy Applications (ICCMREA) 2017

  40. The 1st EAI International Conference on 5G for Future Wireless Networks (5GWN) Workshop on Big Data (2017)

  41. Asian Simulation Conference 2017

  42. IEEE International Conference on Cyber, Physical, and Social Computing (CPSCom) (2017)

  43. IEEE International Symposium on Pervasive Systems, Algorithms, and Networks (I-SPAN) (2017)

  44. IEEE International Conference on Opto-Electronic Information Processing (ICOIP) 2017

  45. International Conference on Computer Networks & Communications (CCNET) (2017)

  46. International Conference on Service Science, Technology and Engineering (SSTE) 2017

  47. International Conference on Architectural Research & Computer-Aided Design (ICARCAD) 2017

  48. International Conference on Networks, Communications, Wireless and Mobile Computing (NCWMC) 2017

  49. IEEE International Workshop on Telecom Big Data based Research and Application (IWTBDRA) (2015-2016)

  50. International Conference on Intelligent Cloud Computing (ICC) 2016

  51. International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP) 2016

  52. International Workshop on Wireless Communication and Network (IWWCN) 2016

  53. International Conference on Energy Engineering and Environmental Protection (EEEP) 2016

  54. International Conference on Electrical, Electronic, Communication and Control Engineering (ICEECC) 2016

  55. International Conference on Computers, Data Management and Technology Applications (ICCDMTA) 2016

  56. IEEE Workshop on Space Information Networking (SIN) 2016

  57. IEEE International Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI) 2016

  58. International Conference on Electrical and Electronic Engineering (IC3E) 2015

  59. International Conference on Intelligent Transportation, Big Data & Smart City (ICITBS) 2015


  1. Proceedings of IEEE 
  2. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC)
  3. IEEE Communications Magazine
  4. IEEE Communications Standard Magazine 
  5. IEEE Network Magazine 
  6. IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine 
  7. IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine 
  8. IEEE Computers 
  9. IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine 
  10. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 
  11. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology
  12. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 
  13. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 
  14. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 
  15. IEEE Transactions on Parallel Distributed Systems
  16. IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering 
  17. IEEE Transactions on Computers 
  18. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 
  19. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I
  20. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems
  21. IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing 
  22. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles
  23. IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems
  24. IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence
  25. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics 
  26. IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering 杰出审稿人2023 
  27. IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence 
  28. IEEE Transactions on Big Data 
  29. IEEE Internet of Things Journal 
  30. IEEE Sensors Journal 
  31. IEEE Systems Journal 
  32. IEEE Communications Letters 
  33. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters 
  34. IEEE Networking Letters
  35. IEEE Access
  36. ACM Transactions on Sensors Networks
  37. ACM Computing Surveys 
  38. Nature Scientific Report 
  39. Elsevier Vehicular Communications
  40. Elsevier Journal of Network and Computer Applications
  41. Elsevier Green Energy and Intelligent Transportation
  42. Elsevier Applied Energy
  43. Elsevier Renewable Energy
  44. Elsevier Sustainable Cities Society 
  45. Elsevier Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing
  46. Elsevier Computer Communications
  47. Elsevier Ad-hoc Networks 杰出审稿人2014
  48. Elsevier Computer Networks 杰出审稿人2016
  49. Elsevier Future Generation Computer Systems 杰出审稿人2017

  50. Elsevier International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems

  51. Elsevier Pervasive and Mobile Computing

  52. Elsevier Computer Security

  53. Elsevier Energy Conversion and Management 
  54. Elsevier Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering
  55. Elsevier Internet of Things: Engineering Cyber Physical Human Systems
  56. Elsevier Knowledge-Based Systems
  57. Springer Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications 
  58. Springer EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking
  59. Neural Computing and Applications
  60. Springer Soft Computing
  61. Springer Automotive Innovation 
  62. Springer International Journal of Information Security
  63. Springer Mobile Networks and Applications 
  64. Springer Wireless Networks 
  65. Springer Journal of Computer Science and Technology
  66. IET Energy Systems Integration 
  67. IET Intelligent Transport Systems
  68. IET Smart Grid
  69. IET Communications
  70. IET Networks 
  71. Wiley Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies 
  72. Wiley Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 
  73. Wiley International Journal of Communication Systems 
  74. Wiley Energy Conversion and Economics 
  75. China Communications 
  76. Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering 
  77. ACTA Automatic Sinica 
  78. Oxford University Press Computer Journal 
  79. MDPI Sensors
  80. MDPI Energies 
  81. MDPI Applied Sciences
  82. KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems
  83. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence
  84. Taylor & Francis International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction
  85. Taylor & Francis Automatika
  86. IOS Press Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems